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Sony Digital Reader "Calibration error ".

If your Sony Reader (PRS600, PRS700 or PRS900) is displaying the "Calibration error detected" message, try the following steps:

  1. The Reader will display a Calibration Screen. A symbol "X" will be displayed on the top left, top right, center, and at the bottom left and bottom right of the screen.
  2. Use the supplied Stylus or any similar object to touch the "X"symbol.  
  3. Once the process is completed, the Reader will display "Touch Panel calibration completed".
  4. Click on "OK" and it should work.
Please ensure that you touch exact the "X"symbol. If accidentally any other place is touched other than the "X" symbol, the "Calibration error" may display again.In that case, try the above steps accordingly and it should work.


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